
Re: In time with Chicago: (Score: 1)

by in I'm reading Pipedot from: on 2014-08-21 12:04 (#409)<p>
When you write it the way he sings it it has exactly the same effect.

knee jerk (Score: 3, Insightful)

by in Wikipedia brings down the ban-hammer on US Congress on 2014-07-28 00:14 (#2NX)

Isn't it funny when the government get's a taste of what a knee jerk reaction is like! (Score: 1)

by in John Foreman on Facebook's data mining and manipulation on 2014-07-11 05:02 (#2EW)

All of these social media engines are already obsolete because they don't interact with each other. I'm questioning if this can continue and when social media, now that people can see its benefits, is set to change to a more standardised model. The day when I can share public keys with the people I (really) want to see my activities, and all others are excluded using engines such as, is the only time when social media is controlled by the user as opposed to the advertiser.

I know it seems a long way away now, however things have changed quickly in IT before.

Good sports (Score: 2)

by in Soylent News Incorporates on 2014-07-09 07:43 (#2CD)

I'm a SN and |. /. reader. Where as /. ignores you both it is good to see you both co-operating to build on each others strengths, there is enough room on the net for all. I predict good things for both sites and wish you both well.